Passenger App User Account Deletion

With our user-friendly interface and reliable service, getting from point A to point B has never been easier. Download now and experience hassle-free travel with just a tap of your finger.

To comply with GDPR mobile application requirements, you have the option to permanently delete your taxi mobile app user account information by filling out the provided form. After submitting the form, you must complete the email verification process. There will be a two-business-day grace period before your information is permanently erased from our records.

Self Serve Tools
Give riders the tools they need to manage their own riding experience.
User-Friendly Design
Let riders' book, reserve, cancel, & track trips on their own.
Real Time Trip Updates
Give riders a real-time view of their ride in motion.


Frequently Asked Questions

Your TrustRide user account will be completed removed within 2 business days. 

Yes, deleting your account typically removes all associated data, including ride history, payment information, and personal details.

Any pending rides or transactions might be canceled automatically upon deleting your account. It’s recommended to resolve any pending matters with your taxi service provider before proceeding with the deletion.

You can choose to uninstall the app if you no longer plan to use it. However, deleting your account should suffice if you simply want to discontinue your association with the service.

In accordance with most privacy policies, your personal information should be deleted from the company’s records upon deleting your account. Review the app’s privacy policy for more details on data retention and deletion.

Typically, your account is deleted within 2 business days after your request is submitted and your email is verified. You must complete the email verification process before deletion is finalized.

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